About Us
JNP is a transmission parts store with delivery from China and the UAE, as well as with the presence in our warehouse.
Orders throughout Russia
8 000
Spare parts in stock
1 000

Hi all!

Our website publishes information on parts for transmissions delivered from China and the UAE, as well as the availability in our warehouse.

The purchase is made in pool, we form one general order from a specific supplier.

The cost is indicated at the moment at the current moment and is pegged to the dollar and yuan at the current date, at the time of the buyout, the cost may change + and -, the final price will be formed before the buyout, the purchase is indicated with 100% prepayment.

Shipping and customs for Russia is calculated ~5$/kg, depends on the actual weight to volumetric, calculated after packing all the goods.

Delivery time ~40 days to our warehouse in Novosibirsk.

Delivery to the rest of the world is carried out through the transport companies DHL, FEDEX, UPS.

Happy shopping everyone!

What do clients say about us?
During our work, we have accumulated
hundreds of positive reviews.

Working With Us

Logic is the systematic study of valid rules of inference, i.e. the relations that lead to the acceptance of one proposition on the basis of a set of other propositions.

Meet Our Team
A large and well-coordinated team of true professionals.